Company Name: Sensory-Fi S.L.
Expertise offered:
Ultra-low power battery-free Internet of Things (IoT) sensors for precise monitoring of indoor agri-food facilities such as greenhouses. Our patent-protected innovation is the extremely low-power consumption for bi-directional communication between the IoT devices and the network, enabling long-range sensor data communication without any batteries. Problems solved: high energy/labor costs, inefficient use of resources due to a low automation, inflexible sensors, contaminant batteries for growing food.
Company Name: SINTEF Digital, Norway
Expertise offered:
We offer expertise in 6G AI-enabled cybersecurity for critical infrastructures, with a focus on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Digital Twin technologies to enhance security, resilience, and energy efficiency in next-generation networks. AI/ML Integration for Cybersecurity: AI and ML are pivotal in enabling proactive cybersecurity for critical infrastructures. By utilizing real-time data analytics, these technologies can detect, predict, and mitigate complex cyber threats with high accuracy. My expertise lies in designing AI/ML algorithms to identify vulnerabilities, model digital twin-based network behaviors, and implement adaptive security measures that respond dynamically to evolving threats. Digital Twins for Resilience: Digital[...]
Company Name: Logiicdev Gmbh
Expertise offered:
Austrian based SME Logiicdev's team consists of highly skilled professionals in FPGA, Hardware, AI model, and firmware development, positioning the company well for innovation and expansion. Their considerable experience in system and industrial electronics, coupled with expertise in use case-driven prototypes and Proof of Concept (PoC), makes them a valuable partner for various consortia. Logiicdev's expertise in FPGA-based solutions is particularly relevant in the context of edge computing and AI applications. FPGAs offer significant advantages in real-time edge applications due to their ability to process data at higher speeds through parallelism. This capability is crucial for applications requiring low-latency and[...]