Company Name: CIRCE
Expertise offered:
CIRCE is a research entity with large experience in EU projects (around 60 HORIZON funded projects, includind 15 as coordinators). We have a large network of contacts in the energy and telecommunication sectors including power systems operators with access to large infrastructure for demonstration purposes. Potential contributions to the SNS topics include: - AI strategies in distributed computing scenarios aimed at managing and controlling computing energy consumption - Development of IoT component and devices with zero-energy characteristics - Introduction of avdance communication systems in large demo-sites from the energy sector - Collaboration in the integration of secure 6G technologies and[...]
Company Name: CTTC/CERCA
Expertise offered:
Our goal is to address the sustainability of developing and using AI systems and to promote the use of AI towards the sustainable development goals. The priority is therefore on the design of AI systems for sustainable development while targeting the sustainability of AI training and usage. Our research is multi-disciplinary in nature and spans several research areas including data science, computer science, network science, information engineering, wireless communications, energy engineering, environmental engineering and remote sensing. The core focus is the definition, design and implementation of energy-aware, high-accuracy and interpretable ML methods for networked cyber-physical systems. The is to provide[...]
Company Name: Urban Hawk Ltd
Expertise offered:
Polaron is a 60 Billion Voxel simulation tool developed under 5G-Victori. Capable of running at the edge on COTS CPU / GPUs to provide real-time analysis from data passed over nomadic and edge based nodes. Capable of both 2.5D (large scale terrain) and full 3D analysis driven by a variety of sensors, from RF and API feeds through to Neural Cameras and Lidar. The purpose is to provide a real-time analysis and digital twin that moves beyond simple object detection to permit a deeper semantic understanding of changes and behaviours. As part of the 5G work we scanned the Berlin[...]