This page is intended to allow potential partners to have their participation requests forwarded to proposal leaders in their areas of interest.
The Areas of interest will use the Association approved Pre-Structuring Model as the catalog for identifying interests.
Opportunity for Proposal Leaders
Proposal leaders may register confidentially by sending an email to identifying in which area their proposal lies. This will not be disclosed to anyone. They will be included in a blind copy email to receive the participant proposals relevant to their area.
Opportunities for potential participants
Potential participants may fill out the interest from below and your interests will be forwarded to proposal leader(s) related to your area of interest.
(please focus your interests – as the tool will consider multiple attempts to send the same content to all areas as spam).
An area will only be available via the form if there is at least one proposal leader in that area receiving the participant interests. Currently 17 proposal leaders are listening.
We cannot guarantee that the proposal leaders will respond to every input, but we do encourage them to give feedback to everyone – even if it is only to say the participant doesn’t fit.
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